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  • Writer's pictureAnne Koch

The mirror of nature - Finding answers through nature coaching

I'm standing at the edge of the forest, the trees at my back, looking out at a lake. Nestled in hills. A meadow with sheep and gnarled apple trees nestles on the shore. Behind, a curving path through green meadows. This is it. This is the threshold my nature coach had spoken of. The threshold to connecting with nature, with myself.

Ever since I experienced nature coaching for the first time earlier this year, it has grabbed me. This one experience has brought me closer to nature than my move to the "Bergisches Land", my jogs in the woods, or my hikes in the area. Why? Because for the first time, I really had the feeling of being one. Not just to "consume" or perceive, but to be a part of the big picture. I started my coaching session on this day at the end of January with the concern that I was missing focus in my job, as my CV has so far tended to go in curves (see also the blog article "Spoiled for choice? The path to a mosaic career"). I could thus get insights into many topics, but just not the one topic in depth. Often that bothers me.

And then at the edge of the forest I realized in nature that what appeals to me, what makes me happy, is not the straight paths, the plains, the spherical trees. But the curves, the hills and the gnarled apple trees. And so I walked through this world in wonder, feeling for the first time with my eyes truly open, recognizing myself, my fears, challenges, but also my qualities, the richness of my experiences - and all in the mirror of nature.

The images from these two hours I take with me. They will never leave me again. And I have decided to bring this connection with nature closer to others and to become a nature coach myself. I also integrate nature work into my work as a Purpose Coach. Because I have recognized the wisdom of nature for myself.

In the spirit of Albert Einstein:

"Take a deep look at nature and you will understand everything better."

Here are a few initial tips on how you can connect more with nature:

  • First, start by activating your senses every time you go for a walk, every time you exercise. Close your eyes and listen for 5 minutes. What do you hear in the distance? What is very close? Or walk through your body from head to toe. What do you feel? Where is the tension? Where do you feel the wind? Do you feel the ground under your feet?

  • When you are in nature, notice what appeals to you or puts you off. Why is that? Can you find symbols for your beliefs or life themes?

  • Build a 3D model of your present life with natural materials. Who is present and where? Which themes are present? Look at the model and ask yourself where there are conflicts and what gives you strength. Then recognize where there is room for change and rebuild the model accordingly.

Twin-Tip: If you are interested in the topic of personality development in nature, I can recommend the book by my esteemed trainer André Lorino and colleagues: (in German).

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